MSP Outfit Ideas:
Welcome! These outfits are all VIP.
"Strong and Powerful" |
(Only the hair is VIP so you can change it to make it non-VIP)
Outfit Costs: 2925 SC
Thick Lashes: 500SC Warm Winter (Hat): 300SC Tinted Bundles (Hair): 500SC -VIP Suspenders: 300SC Leathe Minies (Shorts): 525SC Teddy Boots: 450SC 80's Crop Top: 350SC
"Here Kitty!" |
(Only the hair is VIP so you can change it to make it non-VIP)
Outfit costs: 3.500 SC
Tinted Bundles (Hair): 500SC -VIP Boho Scarf: 350SC Swag! (Crop Top): 350SC Golden Hoops: 400SC Cat Ears: 350SC Leathe Minies (Shorts): 525SC Teddy Boots:450SC
Fierce Waves." |
Outfit costs: 2300 SC
Wavy Girl (Hair): 500SC Basic Summer Top: 300SC Riviera Bottoms: 350SC Furries: 350SC Loop Earrings: 300SC Thick Lashes: 500SC
"Be Yourself." |
Outfit costs: 2850 SC
Street Smart (Hair): 400SC -VIP Furry Fashion (Hat): 400SC -VIP Knotted (Top): 400SC Studded Rocker (Bottoms): 400SC -VIP Furries (Boots): 350SC -VIP Suspenders: 300SC -VIP Street Geek (Glasses): 300SC -VIP Bubblegum: 300SC -VIP